Today, Columbus Ophthalmology Associates became the first practice in central Ohio to use the new Callisto system for Toric IOLs—a type of lens for cataract patients with astigmatism. This technology will provide faster, more accurate alignment for these specialized lenses and improve vision without the need for glasses. We believe the Callisto system will improve patient outcomes by taking the measurements of our patients’ astigmatism in the office and entering that data into a computer directly attached to the surgical microscope. Images are then superimposed on the eye to provide our surgeons with the exact direction for each individual patients’ astigmatism.
Columbus Ophthalmology Associates is honored to have our surgeons be the first in the region to utilize this innovative technology. This microscope and Callisto system is part of our Columbus Eye Surgery Center and will now be available for our patients needing the Toric IOL procedure.