They’re finally here! After being named one of Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2018 without even being on the market, Johnson & Johnson is releasing their Transitions™ line of Acuvue® Oasys contact lenses. That’s right, just like the glasses that change into sunglasses when you step outside, these contact lenses will do the same. Light inside, dark outside, all in the same contact lens.
on April 1st, Acuvue® Oasys Contact Lenses with Transitions™ will be available to try out and purchase from your local eye care physician. The lenses are designed to darken within 60 seconds of stepping outside into the sun and lightening within 90 seconds of returning inside. They are also the only contact lens to protect against 99% of UVA & UVB rays. While these are not a replacement for sunglasses, they do reduce the light and UV rays entering the eye in a seamless manner.
Two out of three people report that they are bothered by bright lights throughout the day. These lenses aim to reduce the burden of blaring light both inside and outside to alleviate squinting.
These lenses are great for all walks of life. The first advancement that comes to mind is with athletes. From baseball to running, contact lenses have many benefits over glasses. Transition contact lenses allow the darkening effect of sunglasses without the cumbersome nature of the frames. Major League Baseball player Bryce Harper is already excited about using these lenses to help improve his game. These lenses will also benefit those who are outside for other activities, or people who are not outside much at all.
For those who spend much of their lives indoors, Transitions™ contact lenses have been found to block up to 15% of the blue light off of digital surfaces. This absorption will help reduce eyestrain and fatigue from computers, tablets, and phones ultimately reducing headaches.
While the glasses only change based on UV light exposure, the Transitions™ contact lenses change based on both UV and the temperature of the eye’s surface. This means the lenses are 15% darkened while inside to help with bright rooms and light off of digital screens. The eye’s temperature also keeps the lens from ever fully turning black allowing great vision no matter the light or UV level.
The majority of the research and development studies were done right here at The Ohio State University College of Optometry.
For those who wear Acuvue® Oasys lenses, switching should be seamless; for those who do not, it should be just as simple. Ask your eye doctor today about making the switch!