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Visian ICL™

Visian ICL is an advanced vision correction procedure that uses an innovative Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL), sometimes called an implantable contact lens, that can correct a range of vision errors.

Visian ICL Vision Correction Surgery in Columbus, Ohio

Visian ICL is made of a biocompatible collagen copolymer material called Collamer®. Once implanted, it offers sharp, clear vision improvement for patients with high levels of nearsightedness (myopia); Visian Toric ICL also corrects astigmatism. Even patients who are not candidates for LASIK can achieve high definition vision correction with Visian ICL. We are excited to offer this vision correction option at Columbus Ophthalmology Associates. Our refractive surgeon, Dr. Swarupa “Rupa” Kancherla, is a board-certified ophthalmic surgeon specializing in vision correction surgery.

young man kayaking on river

Benefits of Visian ICL

  • Quality vision improvement
  • Biocompatibility means the lens works with your natural body chemistry
  • Ultraviolet protection
  • No maintenance needed after placement
  • May be an option for patients who are not candidates for LASIK or PRK
  • FDA-approved for safe vision correction
  • Improved night vision1
  • Vision correction that is designed to be permanent but can be removed/reversed if needed
  • While other vision correction surgeries may cause dry eye syndrome, Visian ICL does not2

Am I Candidate for Visian ICL?

Ideal candidates for Visian ICL:


The Visian ICL Experience

Preparing for Visian ICL

The first step is to schedule a consultation appointment. Dr. Kancherla will examine your eyes and discuss your vision goals to determine if you are a candidate.

If Visian ICL is right for you, you will need to schedule a pre-surgery appointment two to three weeks before your lens placement. At this appointment, your eye doctor will perform a procedure called an iridotomy. The iridotomy is an in-office procedure in which your eyes will be numbed and your doctor will make a tiny opening in each iris to ensure that your intraocular pressure remains at a good level. You will need to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home on the day of your procedure.

How Visian ICL Works

Your eyes will be numbed with anesthetic drops on the day of your procedure. Dr. Kancherla will make a small incision at the base of your cornea and then will insert and position the lens in front of the eye’s natural lens.

woman applying eye drops

The incision is so small that sutures are typically not needed. The doctor will administer eye drops to prevent inflammation or infection.

Visian ICL Recovery

After a brief initial recovery period at the surgical facility, you’ll recover at home for a day or two. You will be provided with an eye patch or shield to protect the eye and you will be given detailed post-op instructions and scheduled for a next-day follow up appointment. Patients usually resume regular activities about 2 days after surgery.

Visian ICL Results

You can expect noticeable vision improvement right after your procedure. You can look forward to life with Visian ICL, as studies report a 99% satisfaction rate.3

Contact Columbus Ophthalmology Associates

If you’ve been searching for a procedure that can reduce or eliminate your dependence on glasses or contact lenses, Visian ICL may be right for you—even if you have been told that other vision correction procedures are not an option due to thin corneas, dry eyes, or a high level of nearsightedness. Contact us to learn more.

woman looking into the distance on a hike

Frequently Asked Questions About Visian ICL

Is Visian ICL permanent?

Yes, Visian ICL is designed for permanent, maintenance-free vision correction. However, unlike other vision correction surgeries, Visian ICL can be removed if needed. Your surgeon can also replace Visian ICL with an updated lens if you experience a significant change in vision.

Are there any risks associated with Visian ICL?

Visian ICL is generally considered a safe procedure, but all surgical procedures carry some risk of side effects or complications. Your eye doctor will discuss common side effects as well as your individual level of risk to help you make an informed decision before your procedure.

Will I be able to feel or see the Visian ICL?

No, unlike a regular contact lens, which is visible and can cause irritation, Visian ICL does not sit on top of the cornea. The collamer lens is implanted inside the eye so no one will be able to see it and you should not feel the lens once it is placed.

1 Parkhurst, GD. Comparison of Night Vision and Contrast Sensitivity in Patients Undergoing Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation or LASIK. Presented at: American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); October 19, 2010; Chicago, IL.
2 Naves, J.S. Carracedo, G. Cacho-Babillo, I. Diadenosine Nucleotid Measurements as Dry-Eye Score in Patients After LASIK and ICL Surgery. Presented at American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) 2012..
3 FDA Premarket Approval Data. Available:

The doctors at Columbus Ophthalmology Associates have either authored or reviewed the content on this site.




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